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I'm a newly qualified stay at home mum looking after two mini superheroes Sid and Ralph with a third addition due in December. I am figuring out motherhood as I bumble along relying heavily on friends and fellow mums to keep me sane on this crazy journey.

I live in London with my husband Peter a graphic designer and our two children, 3 and 1 years old. Our third bundle of joy was completely unplanned but we are very unorganised anyway so it makes sense that we add extra chaos to our lives in the shape of another human.

Before becoming a domestic engineer I was a Detective and loved every moment. But alas the cost of childcare and unsociable hours coupled with no local family support meant a career break was inevitable. I am trying to embrace this extra time with the children but there will always be a part of me missing the stress and excitement of the job and the sacred me time that I no longer get.

With my first two pregnancies I kept a handwritten diary to document the highs and many lows of my children entering the world. However my husband has repeatedly told me it's 2016 and that's just not how it's done anymore so he's bring my retro and expanding arse into the present day (And also hoping it will cut down on my hoarding addiction which fills every possible nook and cranny in our terraced city house).